If you're like us, you're missing coffee shops and libraries, and you're tired of working at home! We hear you! It's been hard to have some of our best spots to work away from home stripped away from us because of covid. But there are still options! Here are a few places that are safe to visit in this odd time and will usually provide enough peace to get some writing done!
1. The Park - We know it's cold outside right now, but it won't be cold forever! Come spring, parks are the best place to work and get some fresh air! We know this one can be tough if you want to write on a laptop (although a lot of parks have tables, you're not likely to find accessible wifi), but this is a great opportunity to mix it up by working with pen and paper instead!
2. Outdoor Seating - While a lot of coffee shops (like Starbucks) aren't letting people stay (and you might not feel safe staying anyway), a lot of places still have the option of outdoor seating. These tables are usually well spaced and out in the open air so that you can have a cozy, safe atmosphere for writing!
3. Your back (or front) porch - This one might seem obvious, but it can be hard when you're in a familiar space like your home to consider moving around to places you aren't used to working in. But setting up in the backyard can be a great way to get some fresh air and to really get your brain feeling fresh and active!
4. Zoom Write-Ins - While this option doesn't have you physically leaving your house, it's a great mental escape. Zoom with a group of your friends and write together! This allows you the feeling of being away from your everyday routine while still being safe and socially distanced!
5. Write On! - Oh, come on, I had to! While Write On is a small space, we've been keeping up with regulations and CDC-recommended practices! Masks are required, and there is plenty of space to get comfortable to write and to social distance! Come write with us!
It's a hard time to be a writer who doesn't want to stay home, but there are options! Take time to poke around your community to find the space you didn't know were good for you and your work!