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Practice Makes Perfect
We know that practicing will make us better at whatever we're trying to master, so let's all practice together!
Practice Makes Perfect
We know that practicing will make us better at whatever we're trying to master, so let's all practice together!
Publishing I - Let's Talk Publishing!
A lot of people want to know about the publishing process. It's kind of mystery. We're here to talk about it.
Publishing I - Let's Talk Publishing!
A lot of people want to know about the publishing process. It's kind of mystery. We're here to talk about it.
Poetry II - Poetry Themes
We've talked about poetry forms, now let's talk about themes.
Poetry II - Poetry Themes
We've talked about poetry forms, now let's talk about themes.
Novel Writing Part II - Starting Your Novel Off...
The start of a novel is arguably the most crucial tool writers can use to gain readers. Here's some tips on how to use it to your advantage.
Novel Writing Part II - Starting Your Novel Off...
The start of a novel is arguably the most crucial tool writers can use to gain readers. Here's some tips on how to use it to your advantage.
Novel Writing Part I - Planning Your Novel
We're taking a look at novel-writing, for beginners and for experienced writers.
Novel Writing Part I - Planning Your Novel
We're taking a look at novel-writing, for beginners and for experienced writers.