While summer is a good time to wind down and catch up on your favorite books and television shows, it’s also a great time to continue working on your creative writing skills. With summer in full swing, Write On! has exciting in-person and virtual opportunities to help you grow as writers over the next couple of months.
Write On! offers four different Summer Camps for 1st through 12th grade kids. Our camps began on May 22nd and will run for 11 weeks, ending on August 4th. You can choose between our in-person full-day, afternoon, and morning camps as well as our online-only morning camp from July 5th-7th. Each day, students work on fun writing activities, focused lessons, independent & group writing, sharing, and more.
In addition to our regular Week-long and Online Only Writers camps, starting this summer we’re offering the Emergent Writers and Teen Writers camps. You can choose to sign up for our Weeklong Writers, Emergent Writers, and Teen Writers camps at Write On! or our new secondary location, Richwoods Academy.
For students entering grades 1st and 2nd, our Emergent Writers camp is a great way to help newer writers develop fundamental skills while our Teen Writers camp, for students entering grades 6 and up, challenges writers with fun creative writing exercises.
Grow your writing skills this summer, and sign up for our summer camps today! From writing daily journal entries to creating their own commercial and sharing their work during Author’s Chair, our writers have already made an immense amount of progress in the first few weeks of camp. We look forward to seeing you at camp!