What Business Looks Like Via Zoom - Write On! Learning

What Business Looks Like Via Zoom

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about Zoom workshops. This is totally understandable and highly appreciated because, as you can probably imagine, in-person workshops (while still happening as safely as possible) aren’t the easiest avenue for everyone right now. Many people are still quarantining, which is okay! But we still want to reach you. We still want to see your face and hear your work. We want to share our workshops with everyone, even if it’s not here in the four walls of our business front.

That being said, let’s talk about Zoom workshops. If there’s one thing we didn’t anticipate having to learn when Write On opened, it was Zoom workshops. A regular in-person workshop means sitting around the stage together, getting hand-outs, writing on the white board, sitting in a bean bag chair during independent writing time. Doesn’t that sound great?? But Zoom workshops have their upsides too! You get to do it from the comfort of your own home! You get to do it from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! You can come in your PJs! Actually, you can pretty much do that for in-person workshops too.

Just like when you come to an in-person workshop, every workshop begins with a journaling exercise to help you get your mind focused a little more on writing and little less on what you’re having for dinner or how many more things there are on your to-do list. After journal time, we have a focused lesson. This could be any of our general workshops or our longer, more comprehensive specialty workshops. After the lesson, we split off into individual writing time. This can be done much more privately via Zoom by turning off your camera and microphone. You can even step away from your desk as long as you can hear the instructor when it’s time to return! Once everyone has written something, we come back together to share our work. Here at Write On, you would get to sit in our special Author’s Chair, but via Zoom, you get a spotlight!

We won’t say learning to do business via Zoom hasn’t been hard. It definitely has been! But we can see the value in being able to virtually stretch to reach new communities and new writers! We hope we see you there!

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