South Korea Serve Trip ~ Planning & Preparing

Let the planning and preparations begin!

From what to pack to what we'll be teaching, we are dotting our i's and crossing our t's to make sure we are best prepared to serve the North Korean resettlers in South Korea and all the individuals we will be interacting with along the way.

This team I am part of is full of such talented and skilled individuals. To hear their ideas, see their passion, and feel their energy is inspirational and I know God has amazing plans for all that we will be part of on this journey. 

Over the next five weeks, we will prepare and prep for the lessons and activities that we will be teaching and pack the supplies we will be taking with us. We want to make sure that the students will enjoy and gain English language skills, but more importantly, we want each of them to know that they are loved.

Having heard just a fraction of what these individuals may have experienced in their young lives is heartbreaking. I can only imagine how fear, rejection, and a lack of stability may fill their days. I pray that during our time serving in Seoul, each of them will see Christ reflected in our words and actions and know that there is hope and love in and through Him.