Weekly Writing Workshops Writing Work for Home ~ Homework

Writing Work for Home from Write On! Creative Writing Center

This week at Write On, we learned about different poetry forms, such as haiku, cinquains, quatrains and sonnets. We learned about syllables and rhyming. Now we are going to put all that together.

For work at home, writers should try to write a poem about any topic in Iambic pentameter,

A poetic meter that sounds like "da DUM, da DUM, da DUM, da DUM, da DUM". Iambic pentameter poems can rhyme or not, and when they do, they are sometimes called heroic couplets

This is extra practice to help us focus on our syllables. The dum are longer, stressed syllables. While the da are shorter syllables. Think of  Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” poem as an example of this type of poem. 

“To BE, or NOT to BE, that IS the QUESTion:

WHETHer 'tis NOBLer IN the MIND to SUFFer

The SLINGS and ARRows OF outRAGEous FORTune,

Or TO take ARMS agAINST a SEA of TROUBles

AND by OPpoSING end THEM.”

Write On!